Admissions open 2023!! 9163122222

Notice Board

Schedule of CA3 Examination Even semester 2023 for the department of Film & Television, Data Science & Cyber Security and Travel & Tourism.

Notice for Rules and Regulations - End semester (sem 1 - odd 2022-23) Makaut Examination.

Urgent notice regarding Practical Examination ODD 2023 (Semester 1) - Department of Film & Television

Revision Class has been scheduled on 24TH Jan, 25th Jan, and 27th Jan 2023 for 1st semester BBA students and 1st semester BBA-Entrepreneurship students. Please click the below buttons to check.

Urgent notice regarding specialisation papers for 6th semester students (BSC in Film and Television)

Notice for Even Semester Fees

Odd Semester Examination Schedule for Cyber Security and IT 2022

Schedule of Practical Examination Odd 2022 for the department of Media Science

Schedule of Practical Examination Odd 2022 for the department of Film and Television

iLEAD Election 2022 Results

Schedules of CA3 Exam for the Departments of Animation & Gaming, Culinary, Data Science & Cyber Security, BBA, Media Science, Fashion & Interior Design, and Film.

Guideline for Equal Opportunity Committee in iLEAD

Urgent notice regarding specialisation papers for the students of BSC Film and Television (5th Semester)

This is to inform you that regular classes for ODD Semester 2022 will commence from 11th July, 2022.

You are advised to attend classes regularly henceforth.


This is to notify all concerned the formation of the Anti-sexual harassment committee titled Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace for Employers / Institutions / Organizations/ Internal Complaints Committee / Local Complaints Committee (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013) of ILEAD w.e.f. 1st April 2019 comprising the following members:
1. Dr. Ishita Datta Ray, Associate Professor
Presiding Officer
2. Ms Pragya Chopra, Executive Director 
3. Prof. Anirudhha Kundu, Assistant Professor 
4. Mr. Avik Banerjee
Visiting Professor and Practicing Lawyer
5. Ms. Salma Khatun, NGO representative

Rules & Regulation

Please keep the following things in mind, which will be followed henceforth with the start of semester:

  • All students have to maintain 75% attendance.( For non-payment of fine, 75% overall attendance is required.)
  • From this Semester onwards, Students’ Class attendance should minimum 50% (Excluding Medical and non-Academic Credit Points) to be eligible for semester exam.
  • Medical will be taken into consideration only in the cases of chicken pox, measles and accidental cases(subject to hospitalization)
  • Non academic credit points will only be taken into consideration only when you have 50% class attendance.
  • Students having attendance below 50% at the end of semester, will not be allowed to sit for university examination for that particular semester.
  • All information regarding students will be available through website & physical notice-board only.
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