Future Vista - Session on Sports Management
Event On : 16 Jun 2022
The 4th day of Future Vista conclave on June 16th 2022, witnessed discussions about growth and opportunities in the fields of allied healthcare and sports management.
The 2nd panel on sports management had dignitaries like IndrajitBhalotia (Director, Protouch Sports and Professional Golfer) and ProfessorAnkan Banerjee (Assistant Professor, IISWBM).
Explaining how since the launch of IPL in 2008, the need for sport management professionals increased in India, Ankan Banerjee said, “Sports is actually considered to be a sunshine sector. As per FICCI, it is growing at a rate of 12% and there will be a requirement of almost 47 lakhs people in near future”. He also mentioned how the organization of Commonwealth Games and World Cup in India boosted the need of sport management professionals.
Indrajit Bhalotia, stressed on being ‘passionate about sports’ and also termed it as a ‘glamorous’ profession that allows you to rub shoulders with the greatest players around the globe. “This is the closest you can be to action other than playing yourself”, he said.
The panel took questions from the enthusiastic students and also shared about their own journey and experiences in the respective sectors.