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Employees Sports 2019

Event On : 29 Mar 2019

iLEAD organized a sports event for all the employees for the first time on 29th and 30th of March 2019.

Sports being a great team building and rejuvenating experience, the employees from every department participated in different games.

The range of games included cricket, football, table tennis, carom and pool. The matches of cricket, carom and pool were played on 30th March. Football and table tennis were played on 29th March 2019.

In cricket, Team Pobitro won the final match and Team Abhijeet took over the runner up spot.

In football, Team Abhijeet won the final match and Team Kasif turned out to be the runner up team.

In table tennis, Team Pobitro became the winning team and Team Steven were the runner ups.

The participants enjoyed the games and played each of them with great sportsman spirit.

iLEAD Employees Sports Event - football

iLEAD Employees Sports Event - football

iLEAD Employees Sports Event - football

iLEAD Employees Sports Event - football

Employees Sports 2019 - football

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

iLEAD organized a sports event - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

iLEAD organized a sports event - cricket

iLEAD organized a sports event - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

Employees Sports 2019 - cricket

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